NASA Great Lakes, LLC
7853 Ridge Rd
Wadsworth, Oh 44281
Phone 330.328.1091
For Complete Event Details, follow this link to the Regional Event Page.
505 Kimberlee A Fast Dr, Bowling Green, KY 42103
Click here for hotel info at all events
PASSENGER SEAT is required for HPDE 1 & 2 and HIGHLY recommended for HPDE 3&4.
SAVE MONEY and Register EARLY!!
Registration increases by $50 TEN (10) days prior to the event and an additional $50 on day of the event.
Friday Racer Test and Tune, Time Trial and Advanced HPDE hosted by NASA GL.
Visit NASA Central to get your numbers. We will have basic 10″ vinyl numbers in BLACK and WHITE only. Numbers are $3 each, 4 digits for $10, or 6 digits for $15.
HPDE groups 1, 2, 3 & 4 will not be timed – so please do not rent a Transponder for these classes.
Mandatory Driver’s Meeting, see the Event Schedule for the time.
You will be given a Driving Group Specific wristbands by your group leader after your Drivers meeting.
For Complete Event Details, follow this link to the Regional Event Page.